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Our Governors

We welcome your comments, questions and concerns. To get in touch with us there are several options:

  • Call or speak to the school office and leave your details with them for us to call you back.

  • You may recognise some of us on the playground and we will always welcome you approaching us to arrange a meeting or for a quick informal chat.

Bushbury Lane Academy Governor Information

Governors at Bushbury Lane Academy have a variety of roles within the governing board. Below you will find a full breakdown of all members, committees and link roles they are associated to. 

Full Governing Body

Link Governors

Governors Attendance

Trust Governance

Reach2 schools are all part of a tiered governance structure, you can find information about REAch2 and how governance is approached on the trust website. The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today.  You can also find details of who our trustees are.

Our school, like all the schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB).  There is a scheme of delegation, which details how the LGB should work.  The LGB hold meetings during the year in which they help to support the school, its leadership and pupils, whilst challenging to make sure that everyone achieves as much progress as they can.


Governors can invite other members of staff or professions to governance meetings as long as this holds relevance and gives benefit to specific need or issues for the school, this can be a one off invitation or that the board can have up to three co-opt governors whom are invited to attend when their expertise can be of value.  

What We Do

Governors do not play a role in the day to day running of the school but a strategic role, to ensure that the day to running of the school is being effective, improving standards and supporting your children’s progress in their learning, to achieve the best they possibly can. We are not complacent or lacking in our expectations and ask a lot of questions and apply the same level of challenge across the board for all children. The crux of all decisions for our governors and school leadership remains the children and the best possible outcomes and solutions for them. Our regular termly meetings allow us to keep a vast overview of what is going on in school and give focus to relevant priorities allowing us to support whole school development in all areas.

Governor Link Roles

Each of our governors can be appointed a link governor role to a specific area of operation or learning within school. Link governor roles are delegated based on governor skill strengths, experience or triangulation to committee memberships. This allows us to develop a stronger all round approach to challenge, knowledge and support of school leadership. We are able to have deeper impact by developing relationships with senior leaders independent of the Head teacher, allowing us to formulate our own self-governing considerations. Link governors carry out school visits and/or monitoring within school every term and report back to committee and full board for discussion with all members.


Further Information

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